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Hair cuts - Dracaena fragrans

I have this huge Dracaena fragrans that I rescued from the trash a few years ago. It was in bad shape when I found it. It only had 1 growing stem, which was almost completely leafless, and had been rudely yanked out of it's pot, causing it severe root damage. I cleaned it up best I could and potted it. Then put it behind my peacock chair to hide the ugly stem, and pretty much just forgot about it (except for watering) and let it do its thing. It grew beautifully. So well in fact, that it is now hitting my 12 foot ceiling. So, something had to be done. Finally, this morning, I took it upon myself to cut it back. I love the way it looks towering above the window, so I chose to only cut it back a little. Still, what a difference a little makes.  First, I got my ladder, and some sharp, clean shears. Then I climbed up and cut off the very top at a leaf node.  I then cut the bottom leaves off the cutting  And decided to plant it in the botto...

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